Thank you Mayorm.
Welcome to Cattala once more, this time for an overview update! Today we’ll be looking more at Cattala as a nation, it’s location and we’ll take a general look at all of it’s major cities and towns. Well, the ones that I’ve built, that is.
Below is the most recent map of Cattala. Most of these cities we have seen, and the map is quite self-explanatory.
Here we see all of the provinces of Cattala, and their flags. Jennai Province is the most populated, whilst the Ionian Province is the smallest and least populated province. Rhodes is the newest province, having joined the Kingdom in September 2010.
Now we’ll take a quick look at the major towns and cities that we’ve already seen in Cattala, with brand new images from each one!
First up is the capital city of Cattala, Celeste. The historic capital was heavily developed during the British colonial era, but was heavily damaged by both the Italian invasion of 1861 and the Second World War. Since then, Celeste has been reconstructed into it’s former self, keeping the imperial charm that makes it unique.
Next is the second biggest city of Cattala, and former capital Calora. This city is defined by it’s massive urban sprawl, which occurred when it was home to the island’s largest port. Nowadays the docks are redundant and most people commute to Jennai or Celeste, or work in the industrial and commercial district of Lagos.
Moving east, the town of Seina is a traditional Mediterranean community that has been barely influenced at all by colonists and modern life. Some of the country’s wealthiest people live in sheltered mansions in the forests surrounding Seina.
San Pietro is the southernmost town on the main island of Cattala, and is found in a mountainous valley. On a clear day, you can see the industrial city of Jennai from Saint Peter’s Church.
Now we’re travelling off of the mainland for the first time, to visit South Ontano. This region is home to Brunswick town and dozens of small farming villages and is the most fertile part of the Holy Regno.
To the north of Brunswick is the area known as Aldoak, the British name for the largest town in Ontano. The north of the island is considerably more mountainous and less populated than the rolling valleys of Brunswick.
One of the most northerly villages is Eurellia, a small community in the north east of Ionia Island. Eurellia was one of the first places that was bombed by Italian forces in the Second World War, and the population relies heavily on agriculture and tourism for it’s income.
To end with, a few more facts about Cattala. To find out more, visit the Cattala forum at the AIN, or visit the AIN Wiki and select Cattala.
Note: This may be the last Cattala update here on Sim Mania, due to a lack of interest from the public here.