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1IfBB - Advanced Forum Software Empty IfBB - Advanced Forum Software 2013-02-01, 11:29


From a description I wrote up:

IfBB is a BSD-licensed message board software based on the Yii Framework. It features all you expect out of a free forum software (basic posting/replying abilities, video embedding, logins, mods, etc), but also includes what you usally don't get with a forum software (social features, shoutboxes, group collaboration features, etc). It takes inspiration from MyBB (, with the inspiration of IP.Board ( features. IfBB stands for IndieFlex Bulletin Board, as the developer of IfBB is called IndieFlex Scripts. When is it coming? Soon.

Sign up for the beta by e-mailing

I may offer hosting for these forums along with a copy of the board being available for download. What do you guys think of my idea?


Hides from the paparazzi
Hides from the paparazzi
Definitely an interesting project. Looking forward to it Very Happy


Hides from the paparazzi
Hides from the paparazzi
Sounds interesting, I look forward to seeing what you can do. I'd help, but I'm useless in technical code. Razz

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