If you're sensitive about hurricanes, please say it. Then, we'll know not to poke fun at it. But some of the posts in reply to the original joke oon't not really help at all, they just make things worse, and makes Skimbo feel bad for posting it. He doesn't live in the U.S., so he doesn't really know about the storms we get here.... there was no ill-will in it.
It's touchy because there can be a very fine line between "joking playfully" and "being disrespectful". In this case, the joke wasn't mean to be taken bad at all.... it wasn't a put-down or insult of any kind.
I was joking along because it's a way to make a hurricane seem like less of a horrible, detrimental storm by joking about them. I live in North Carolina... and it's deja vu all over again here, as you probly know.
But you know, everyone has their way of dealing with a problem, and that's fine. Some people try to forget about it, some people just flat out refuse to admit that it exists, some people try to lighten the mood. There are many other ways; but it's just whatever helps you best.