Mind the double post but this is kind of important. I want to give you all some information on ties, the Jack of All Trades award, and a question.
We only have ONE WINNER per category, even if there's a tie. Like it or not, that's the way it's always been, and we're going to keep it that way as fairness to those in 2010 and 2011. How have we dealt with them? We first dole out awards to the obvious winners who individually have the most nominations. Then we deal with ties; if someone hasn't got an award yet, and they are tied with someone who has got one, then the person who has not gotten an award wins the tiebreaker and gets that award. I assure you that nobody, myself included, has or ever will send in a nomination after the deadline to avoid this issue.
Then there's the Jack of All Trades award. Mayorm and Guitarmansuperstar got these in 2010 and 2011, and someone will also get it in 2012. Basically, this is kind of an award that goes to someone who was nominated all over but didn't win any awards; the award for someone who has the highest nomination--awards won ratio. Mayorm and Guitarmansuperstar were nominated many times for many categories, but just got unlucky where the numbers fell, so they got this award because they did deserve something, and nobody had a problem with it, because they deserved it.
Now to the point. Over the last two years, we have withheld the number of nominations and the runners up of the SMPCA's, because there were so many ties back then, and it was an issue the staff and I didn't want to deal with. However, this year with MOTM's, we've gotten an increasing amount of people wanting to see this information in the MOTM's, which Blake has disclosed. We now have more nominations, so this might not happen as often, though it probably still will happen. The question is, do you want to get this information like what's happening in the MOTM's, only reveal the winner like we've always done, or something else? There's a poll set up for you to answer in.