Welcome to the VCTP (abbrevation in description). I hope someday this project will encompass the entire range of forest's that exist naturally in the state of VA Maryland and southern PA. Now some species are more complex than others. They range from flowering tree's to large coniferous tree's so the plan is that I will divide the designation to each and every post as a "flower" , "desidious" or "coniferous" to simplify post's and to keep everybody on track as to what is in that picture!
I hope for success in the future and hope everyone has as much fun (or not ) as I hope I will with this project
Josh halen
Side note: As this is not a SBT group prject this will be designated as the "team thread" for VCTP and not my own thread.
I hope for success in the future and hope everyone has as much fun (or not ) as I hope I will with this project
Josh halen
Side note: As this is not a SBT group prject this will be designated as the "team thread" for VCTP and not my own thread.