In this update. I am going to explain the economic system of the Untied Murkan as it stands today and what specific city's (and regions) rely on what for monetary gain!
The way deh system worksThe nation of United Murkan for it's history has relied heavily on manufactured products and the shipping buisness. As an example , The western most community with a seaport is Fulham (pop. 1.152) and relies heavily on it's dense mixed forest's for it's mainly lumber tied economy.
Lumber cutting party outside Fulham
Lumber in Fulham accounts for more than 1/3 of it's GDP and employ's 90% of the town living within the town limit. Additionally, the lumber industry employ's 45% of the workforce and is the 2nd largest market in the world for the resource . The big three (Fulham estates lumber, Plymouth company, and smith and lee lumber industry's) are the leading manufacturers and cutters of quality wood goods for the consumer market.
Capitalism is the general consensus when describing the polti-economical system. We run mainly on free enterprise and basic corporate right's in the government. Each company that exist's is charged a flat tax rate of 20% for what they earn and a 10% handout when there is a budget surplus each year that this happens. The small buisness tax rate is rock bottom at 2% for each retail outlet you own on top of eco-fee's and state sales tax.
The tax system is run by a state run bank that is primarily influenced by the public sector and not the private. Although there are private banks everywhere, they cannot issue federal taxes or anything like that. But certain lobby group's can influence the votes for a specific bill, they cannot vote for it themselves. Each senate member votes on a bill and is represented by one vote for the lobby each time. Each vote the lobby get's they move up by one until there is a majority. When a certain side win's, the bill is reviewed by the President and the PM and his put into a motion in the congress and is passed in most cases. Economic bill's have to go through a different house and then has to be passed AND get the Presidents approval with the National reserve's ok. This happens every year with the yearly budget.
2012/2013 Resource VS Communication chart
Job 2012 resource and communication chart POM% grth
Mining 11% 10% 11.50% 10.50% 10% 2%
forestry 40% 40.50% 40.50% 40% 45% 5%
communi 10% 15% 17% 19% 20% 9%
manufact 11% 11.5 25% 13.50% 10% 1%
service 2% 3.50% 3.50% 4.50% 5% 3%
governm 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 0%
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013%
POM: Part of market %
Grth : growth in market
United Murkan is the 2nd biggest market for consumer goods in the world. United Murkan also loans the least money to other nations and borrows the least. The Economy is mixed between demoestic and foreign buisnesses. The UM is highest in company output for any nation overall, making 11 billion+ revenue in 2012 and an additional 1.5 million in January (projected 18.5 billion for the year)
Next update:
I was sworn to secrecy by the UM government agents so I cannot tell yet!
May the force be with you ..