All site rules apply. And remember:
Do not use foul or obscene language
Do not critisize a person's sexuality, religion, race, culture, ideas, or opinions.
Displaying hatred towards a specific country, race, religion, gender, government, group, or sexuality will not be tolerated.
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Please remember that this is the only place on the forums that allows political and religous discussions. While we (the Simmania Staff) know that political and religous views and beliefs are very different from person to person, we will not tollerate any member getting out of line (like attacking another person's religion). If we see that people are getting mad and using aggresive typing WE WILL CLOSE THIS BOARD IMMEDIATELY. Keep in mind that you can have a calm discussion over different philosophies. Also anything posted here does not reflect the opinion of anyone but the person who posted it.
Anyone deemed to have innapropriate behavior will find themselves in a very unpleasant position. Any mods that partcipate in discussions are under the same rules as everyone else.
Do not use foul or obscene language
Do not critisize a person's sexuality, religion, race, culture, ideas, or opinions.
Displaying hatred towards a specific country, race, religion, gender, government, group, or sexuality will not be tolerated.
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Please remember that this is the only place on the forums that allows political and religous discussions. While we (the Simmania Staff) know that political and religous views and beliefs are very different from person to person, we will not tollerate any member getting out of line (like attacking another person's religion). If we see that people are getting mad and using aggresive typing WE WILL CLOSE THIS BOARD IMMEDIATELY. Keep in mind that you can have a calm discussion over different philosophies. Also anything posted here does not reflect the opinion of anyone but the person who posted it.
Anyone deemed to have innapropriate behavior will find themselves in a very unpleasant position. Any mods that partcipate in discussions are under the same rules as everyone else.